Redefining what it means to be a *badass*

People tell me all the time, “you’re such a badass!” For a long time, I would disagree, saying, “I’m just a nice girl doing the best I can.”  But, over time I’ve heard it just enough that I decided to accept it.  And, if I AM one, I’m going to redefine what it means!

Being a badass IS . . .

  1. Doing hard things, whether or not anyone has done them before
  2. Doing what’s IN you, liberating your internal fire into the world, whether or not it meets what you’re “supposed” to do by some societal standard
  3. Having a strong relationship with fear and knowing how to work with it
  4. Doing what you must do
  5. Having the grit to persevere and the strength to be resilient
  6. Knowing you can do hard things, and showing up to however they go
  7. Failing, learning, winning, trying . .. as cliché as it may be, the journey really is the reward
  8. Finding grace in the inevitable struggles on the road to achievement

Being a badass is NOT . . .

  1. Easy
  2. Emotionless
  3. Fearless – we all feel fear, and it’s healthy!
  4. For people with some unavailable and innate badassery – we can all be a badass!
  5. Beyond reach

The world will see an accomplishment and say, “you’re such a badass!”  Being a badass might, at times, feel as one imagines it might – on top of the world, invincible, full of euphoria – but more often than not, it feels hard and scary and overwhelming . . . and worth it.  

AND we all have it in us.  We all have the capacity to rise to whatever happens in life.  To connect to creativity, passion, and purpose and go after whatever we are intrinsically motivated to do in life, even if it’s super HARD.  

We can all expand our own personal boundaries and perhaps the boundaries of others by setting an example.  

To befriend ourselves and stand for our highest potential

To create joy and feel so deeply fulfilled it radiates.

A badass is anyone who does what she must, with a smile.  And a healthy dose of her own humanity.  

A badass is anyone who is unapologetically herself, approaching life with a growth mindset, grit of all kinds, super resilient, and has a fire that won’t go out.  

Someone HUNGRY for life and hell-bent to LIVE it.

A Girl's Guide to doing life on your own terms


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  1. Jennifer Starck says:

    Your definition truly resonates. You be the best you, you can be. Do that with grace, humility and a smile. You are a badass!

  2. Shane says:

    You are a badass!! Keep it up, I enjoy reading about your adventures and seeing your photos!

  3. Stephanie says:

    I love it! This resonates so much! I am a high school teacher and outdoor educator. I am going to share this today with my kiddos!!! Thank you. Keep up the badassery! 💜

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