Flow triggers: Complete Concentration

Considering that flow states are characterized by rapt attention and total absorption, it’s likely no surprise that one of the flow triggers (preconditions that lead to flow) is complete concentration. 

Why is complete concentration an effective path to flow?  Because flow states focus our attention on the present moment and the task at hand, so anything that distracts, interrupts, or divides our attention can prevent or disrupt our flow.

Complete concentration means eliminating or minimizing distractions, both internally and externally.   External distractions include things like phone calls, emails, notifications, noises, or interruptions from other people. Internal distractions are mind wanderings, including worries, doubts, fears, or negative emotions.

Complete concentration can be applied to any activity that we want to perform at our best, whether it’s work, sports, hobbies, or learning. However, some activities may naturally demand more concentration than others, such as adventure sports, creative pursuits, or complex problem-solving.

One activity I find using this trigger the most is mountain biking.  I find that fear of falling, stories of injury, etc. really mess with my head and can steal my flow!  When I notice my mind wandering, I use the mantra “flow follows focus” to bring my attention back to the trail and remind my brain we’re riding!  I have noticed huge positive impact with “flow follows focus” whenever I’m experiencing distraction.  I’ve found it immediately influences where/how I scan the trail and causes me to naturally started looking ahead, which totally smooths out my corners and increases my riding speed and fluidity . . . meaning added playfulness and fun!  Lately, I’ve also been using “safe and strong” which helps me connect to my body and confidence. Anything works, as long as it works for you and focusing your internal monologue to the task at hand! 

Professional pursuits demanding creativity, complex problem solving, or just plain knocking out tasks also benefit materially from flow, and the complete concentration trigger is probably one of the  most effective in this domain.  Try creating a “flow block” – carve out 90 minutes of time to focus on the task at hand.  Eliminate distractions, hide your phone, set clear goals for what you’ll achieve in this block, and let it flow!

Complete concentration is not only a flow trigger but also a flow outcome. The more we practice complete concentration, the more we train our brain to enter flow states more easily and frequently. The more we experience flow states, the more we enjoy and excel at what we do.

So if you want to access the ultimate state of mind for performance and well-being, start by mastering complete concentration.  

Some of the best practices for complete concentration are:

  • Setting clear, specific, and challenging but attainable goals that give us direction and feedback
  • Carving out 90 to 120 minute blocks of uninterrupted time to dedicate to our activity – a “flow block”
  • Hiding or turning off our phones, computers, or other devices that can distract us
  • Finding a quiet, comfortable, and conducive environment that suits our preferences and needs
  • Using a mantra, a ritual, or a cue to signal to ourselves that we are entering a flow state
  • Practicing mindfulness, meditation, or breathing exercises to calm our mind and body
  • Using positive self-talk, affirmations, or visualization to boost adaptive emotions

Do you use this flow trigger? How is it most effective for you?!?!?
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