The last week of January/First week of February was truly one of the best weeks of my life.
It started with 2 big days roaming around Turnagain Pass . . .

And then an epic day finally skiing Big League in Girdwood – hell yes!!!! Aaron, Nick and I were headed out, and ran into Kathy and the Viking at the trailhead . . . so we all went for it. Up Max’s, down the S face, up the backside of Big Leauge to the top of the W face. Eric, Aaron, and I were pretty jazzed to ski it, so Kathy and Nick skied the super beautiful N couloir and then they talked us down the face. From there we summited Max’s again and skied the west face at last light . . . truly incredible . . .

Having scoped Little League on the Big League day, Aaron and I knew what we needed to do Sunday . . . Ryan Morrill came along for the slaying, so back we went . . . up Max’s, down the S face, then up Little League, down the west face . . . I got to drop in first and it was amazing!!! I had a huge sluff waterfall going, but the skiing was excellent and then I got to guide Aaron and Ryan down super aesthetic lines . . . then back up Max’s at sunset, and down the west face at last light . . . another helluva ski day . . . Happy Kellie for sure!!!!
The next day was another day in the same area, with Kathy and Eric the Viking again – I love skiing with those two! Anyhow, back up Max’s, down the S face, and then up Orca to ski a line I can see from my toilet . . . I’ve had my eye on it for awhile and it’s so aesthetic! From there, it was up Mt.
Alyeska and down the N face into Winner Ck. It kind of turned into an epic as we finished at dark and found some pretty hard snow on the pretty contrived line into Winner Creek, but all’s well that ends well and it turned out to be a pretty awesome day . . .
After that, it was one more epic day (see next post!) and then back to work . . . thakfully, my return-to-work day was cloudy, so I just enjoyed some domestic time and didn’t feel compelled to ski! Oh the addiction . . .
Hooray, an update!
And awesome photos.
Awesome Pics!! So beautiful, definitely inspires me to want to ski!! Glad your posting hiatus has been broken : )