Okay, let’s just say I’m not a runner and I’ve never been a runner. But, I have been running a bit this summer and really enjoying it. And, I recently went to McCarthy and really enjoyed it . . . so when Sherrie brought up that we should go run the McCarthy 1/2 marathon, my interest was peaked. And then when it turned out we had the same 5 days off, we hatched a plan to make it happen . . . and then to go play in the wilderness!
So, Friday we drove over and thanks to the wonders of Facebook status updates, met up with Chris Page and Chris Donnelly to share a campsite. A bike ride just to get the legs moving led to a discovery of the local watering hole and our friends, Raina and the Jen’s (Gessert and Mac)! We also ran into the winter Girdwood crew, which was super fun!!!
Saturday was a lovely relaxing day to prep for our big run at 2pm . . . I was so nervous! It was some combination of not knowing if I could actually run that long, and also knowing how exhausting it would be. Thanks to Sherrie, however, every time I get tired running, I hear her voice, “Well Kellie, you could always walk” and have thankfully proven to myself quite a few times in recent years that I can actually walk with no energy whatsoever. This has helped my mental outlook on running immensely!
Sherrie and CD enjoying a nice Saturday morning
A lovely morning in McCarthy – I really love this place!

Sherrie in pre-run chillout mode taking a fitness test on her heart rate monitor
What a day!
The crazy ladies . . . Raina, me, Jen Gessert, Sherrie, Jen Mac
Let the fun begin . . . notice Sherrie sprinting ahead like she means it!
Hooray for finishing!!!

So, we survived the run . . . Sherrie kicked ass and I was pretty happy with how I did . . . I ran the whole way (except for the last steep section before Kennicott when I thought my heart might actually explode). Thanks to some good inspirational techno (my power song came on at the very end!), I was able to finish strong and have to say that overall, I had a lot of fun . . . ! Jen Gessert also ran strong and simultaneously became the “AHT Girl” for her new water sponsor! And, to top it off, this run was part of her prep for the Equinox 50k she finished this weekend – kickass!!!
“AHT Girl” Jen Gessert
To celebrate the run, we went to Kevlar’s for an amazing pizza party and then off for some music and dancing, a little sleep, and then on to the next adventure!!!
Raina and Sherrie
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