So, I came home from work at the end of May, intending to go meet Paul Forward and friends in the Tordrillos for 2 weeks for yet another ski adventure. But, as things turned out, the weather and conditions were less than inspiring and the boys ended up coming out of the mountains early. After skiing a few things in Eagle River, realizing that ski season at home was slipping away (not to mention a less-than-inspirational weather forecast!), and having no real reason to stick around, I decided to use some airline miles and change things up . . . I needed to get away from even wanting to ski and Hawaii seemed like just enough of a change to do the trick! Plus, I have wanted to learn to kiteboard for awhile and this seemed like the perfect chance!
So, off I went – I have barely any pics cuz I was taking kite lessons and practicing pretty much everyday, sneaking in road bike rides before and after to explore some of the incredible road riding in Maui – it was so great to be on the bike!!!
On the road to Hana – this was an amazing ride!!! |
Also on the road to Hana |
Again on the road to Hana |
On the ride-around-the-west-side loop . . . stunning scenery once I got off the highway! |
Completely worked, but loving it! I had stopped kiting cuz the wind was too strong, so laughed at myself for the whole ride that I went on a road ride instead . . . holy headwind!!! Oh well, I guess I earned it 🙂 |
West shore |
Yeah, I didn’t necessarily have any leftover light by the end of that ride . . . |
The last morning, Andrew took me surfing – I am not a surfer, but it was such a lovely note to leave on!!! |
Things I learned in Hawaii:
- I love road biking, but am thankful to live in a place without good roads, and that I can get my “fix” in a week of it!
- That I am not a city girl – I was so thankful to stay in the jungle in Haiku and to spend my time on the North Shore – a drive to Kihea and a ride to Lahaina was enough for me! Give me country roads and coffee shops anyday!
- I got confirmation that I can turn even Hawaii into a place wrought with physical challenge, exhaustion, and challenge . . . and avoid having even one mai tai except for the free one on the flight in 🙂
- That we never lose our essential self, although we may lose connection to it . . . it was riding hard into a headwind on the shore of west maui (the same wind that was too strong to kite in, so what did I do? Go get on by bike and ride straight into it for a lot of miles). In that experience I found the me I love . . . the one that decides it’s a good thing that it’s so windy cuz that means I really earned every mile of my ride, and [barring torrential downpour] did it in the most difficult conditions, which somehow makes me happy . . .
- That I dearly love my friends and family, but sometimes life starts to feel complicated with big decisions, conversations about life, and working through stuff together . . . it’s felt really good to pretty much just talk about how to kite, enjoy random conversations in yoga studios and stores, and light conversations with Andrew . . . but no talk of work, relationships, rental properties (except where absolutely necessary), or anything else serious . . . maybe I can keep this appreciation and keep it simpler going forward . . . 🙂
- And I didn’t let myself think about work, really . . . a few times here and there on a hill climb or other times it’s more natural to feel frustration, but then I shut ‘er down . . . really needed to get away from all that – it’s amazing what it takes out of me.
- That by focusing on restoring my right leg and letting it relax, I can engage my left in ways I haven’t been able to since my surgery 6 years ago . . . thanks Cheryll for the insight into that one!
- That part of losing connection to my essential self (see #4) was losing the ability to let things flow . . . not having plans here, going with the wind and flowing on the windy roads has put me back in a place of being much less driven and worried about having it all planned out . . . although that’s necessary in some situations, I think I had become over-focused on planning, setting goals, etc. . . . funny how the trips I planned fell through and the unplanned ones were the best days . . .
Love the updates!