Curiosity, passion, & purpose . . . This power-packed combination of intrinsic motivators drives dopamine into the system, both causing us to feel good and improving motivation and focus. And dopamine is one of the first neurochemicals to show up in a flow state 🙂
For me, this trigger is active anytime I’m acting from my inner fire and inner drive. This summer it’s really been best exemplified by flying.
Curiosity of what’s over that ridge, of where it’s possible to land, of how to piece a route together. Passion for aviation in general and enthusiasm over its potential, the joy of learning, and the personal growth that comes with all of it. And purpose of setting an example of what it looks like to go after dreams.
The power-packed influence of curiosity, passion, and purpose really keep me going as well . . . every flight I see something else I want to explore, and/or I learn a new skill and have a breakthrough which fuels me even more. It’s a virtuous cycle of ever-growing curiosity which fuels my passion 🙂
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